November 23, 2011

HIMYM: OMFG Shocker!

I will leave my overall analysis of the series thus far for a later post, just know that this: How I Met Your Mother (henceforth referred to as HIMYM) has been one of my favorite television shows since it's premier in 2005.  It was a more modern take on my all-time-favorite television show Friends.  Plus, who can resist Neil Patrick Harris' over the top comedic acting?  However, I have sadly been wondering this season what has happened to the show I loved? The everyday humor that we can all relate to isn't there any more, instead we're left with : "Really? In what universe would that ever happen?"  I no longer make sure my Monday nights are free, and instead am perfectly fine picking up the most recent episode a few days later online, thus my delayed response to the most recent HIMYM shocker.

Any who, fast-forward to the latest episode, "The Rebound Girl."  The humor I'd been missing was back!  This was definitely one of the best episodes thus far this season, and with the major let down of the "Slutty Pumpkin" story line, some good old fashioned HIMYM humor was much needed.  Loved the "shrinking apartment" twist to why Lilly and Marshall needed to move to suburbia: classic HIMYM humor. 

Bro-parents...really?  While the humor was there, I have mixed feelings on the story line. Ted and Barney do hang out with each other enough that seeing them "in a relationship" was quite humorous, and an unexpected twist to the story.  If "narrator Ted" didn't constantly remind the audience "we were out of our minds" I would have put it right into the "unbelievable humor" category that recent episodes have been drowning in.  It's definitely a Ted thing to do, but the Barney we've come to love seems to becoming more and more domesticated (remind you of lady's man Joey from Friends at all?).  The writers were able to still bring into play the Barney we know, with Ted realizing Barney probably isn't the best parent for children, so hopefully all is not lost yet.

Biggest shocker of the episode? Robin's pregnant!  Um...what?!  With everyone now being pregnant how much longer can the show really go on as a young-adult comedy? It seems to be quickly moving towards a family comedy and that's not what I signed onto when I first got hooked to the show. Baby and pregnancy humor only goes so far.  Remember when Rachel got pregnant on Friends?

While the episode brought back a lot of what the show had recently been missing, it left me feeling nervous about where the show is going to go.  Too bad next week is the first repeat of the season...just when I was beginning to get hooked again!

Best Line of the Episode: "Being gay would be kick ass." -- Neil Patrick Harris as Barney

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